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Bishop John Performs Archpastoral Visit to St. Gregory Church

On Sunday January 29, the commemoration of the Chains of the Holy Apostle Peter, the Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in the USA, His Grace Bishop John of Naro-Fominsk led the Divine Liturgy in St. Gregory the Theologian Church in Tampa, Florida. 

Before the start of the Divine Liturgy, Bishop John tonsured Seraphim Myer and Dmitry Arkadievich readers. At the conclusion of the service, Bishop John presented a number of laborers of the parish Archpastoral Gramotas. His Grace also presented the rector, Archpriest Andrey Kovalev with a new illiton.  

Interaction between the hierarch, clergy and faithful continued during a festive luncheon prepared by the sisterhood. 

Archpastoral Visit to Tampa - 01/29/17

(10 images)

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