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New Crosses Blessed for Holy Trinity Chapel at Fort Ross

On Saturday July 29, the traditional festivities surrounding the "Day of Living History" were held at the first Russian settlement in California and currently a National Historic Landmark "Fort Ross."

With the Blessing of the Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in the USA, His Grace Bishop John of Naro Fominsk, the rector of St Nicholas Patriarchal Cathedral in San Francisco, CA, Priest Leonid Kazakov led the Lesser Blessing of Water, the Akathist to the Mother of God and the Blessing of New Cupola-Crosses for Holy Trinity Chapel.

At the conclusion of the services, Fr. Leonid reminded the faithful that August 26 marks 220 years since the birth of St Innocent of Moscow, Enlightener of the Americas, who often visited Fort Ross and led Divine Services in Holy Trinity Chapel. Afterwards, the clergy and faithful performed a procession to the cemetery where a Panihida was served for the founders and those buried within the walls of Fort Ross.

Fr. Leonid and the parishioners of the Patriarchal Cathedral then attended the cultural festivities marking the "Day of Living History."

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Bishop of Sourozh
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