On Wednesday evening October 11, the Myrrh-Streaming Hawaiian-Iveron Icon of the Holy Mother of God visited Nativity of Christ Church in Youngstown, Ohio. A moleben was led by parish rector, Priest Michael Lillie. Fr. Michael was co-served by Hieromonk Nectarios (Merry, Superior of St. John Skete in Hiram, OH); Archpriest John Harvey and Priest Gregory Becker, rector and cleric of Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian Church in Youngstown, Ohio; Archpriest Andrew Gall, rector of St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Church in Sharon, PA and Protodeacon Paul Erickson.
Over four-hundred faithful filled the church to capacity, leaving many to stand outside on the church porch. A combined choir of faithful from surrounding parishes prayerfully sang the responses during the moleben. The icon is currently visiting parishes and monasteries throughout the United States commemorating the tenth anniversary of Her revelation in Hawaii.