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New York City: A Paschal Reception was held in the Consulate General of the Russian Federation

On April 19, an official Paschal reception was held in the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in New York on behalf of the Consul General, Sergey Ovsyannikov and the Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in the USA, Bishop John of Naro-Fominsk.

Attending the reception were hierarchs and clergy of the Patriarchal Parishes in the UAS, the Russian Church Abroad, the Serbian and Bulgarian Patriarchates and the Orthodox Church in America. Also attending the reception were diplomats, representatives of secular and cultural organizations in New York as well as representatives of the US State Department.

On behalf of the Consul General, the attendees were welcomed by consul Artemy Tevanyan. Bishop John and Eastern American Diocesan Vicar Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan greeted all with the bright feast of the Resurrection of Christ. Bishop Nicholas presented the consul with a vigil lamp lit with the Holy Fire from Jerusalem, brought to the United States with support from the Consulate General in New York City.

New York City: A Paschal Reception was held in the Consulate General of the Russian Federation - 04/19/18

Photos: Archpriest George Konyev

(5 images)

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