On Monday, May 28, the day of the Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity Chapel at Fort Ross celebrated its patronal feastday.
Divine Liturgy was celebrated by Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America, Western American Diocesan Vicar Bishops Theodosy of Seattle and Irinei of Sacramento, Archpriest Stefan Pavlenko (rector of All Saints of Russia Church in Burlingame, CA), Archpriest Alexander Krassovsky (rector of Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Santa Rosa, CA), Archpriest Pavel Volmensky (rector of Holy Ascension Church in Sacramento, CA), Priest Alexey Bykon (dean of St. Nicholas Cathedral in San Francisco), Archdeacon Peter (Karakosov; cleric of Holy Virgin Cathedral "Joy of all who Sorrow" in San Francisco, CA), Protodeacon George Hrebetov, and Deacon Alexander Sarandinaki.
At the conclusion of the Liturgy, a procession was held to the Russian cemetery where a panihida was served for the former residents of the fort and warriors who perished defending the Fatherland.